Mahabalipuram, a tourist attraction in Tamilnadu

Must-Visit Places in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu



Shore Temple

This iconic temple, located on the shores of the Bay of Bengal, is a testament to the architectural brilliance of the Pallavas. It consists of two shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu and is renowned for its intricate carvings and stunning location.

Shore Temple

Arjuna's Penance

Also known as Descent of the Ganges, this magnificent bas-relief sculpture is carved on the face of a massive rock. It depicts various mythological characters, animals, and celestial beings, showcasing the legendary story of Arjuna performing severe penance to obtain Lord Shiva's weapon.

Arjuna's Penance

Pancha Rathas

The Pancha Rathas or Five Rathas are monolithic rock temples, each sculpted in the shape of a chariot or ratha. These architectural wonders represent different styles of Dravidian architecture and are named after the Pandava brothers from the Hindu epic, Mahabharata.

Pancha Rathas

Krishna's Butter Ball

This gigantic natural rock boulder balances precariously on a sloping hillside, defying gravity. The locals believe it to be a representation of Lord Krishna's divine playful nature.

Krishna's Butter Ball

Mahishasuramardini Cave

This cave temple houses several rock-cut sculptures and reliefs depicting the goddess Durga slaying the buffalo demon Mahishasura. The detailing and artistry of the carvings are remarkable.

Mahishasuramardini Cave

Mahabalipuram Beach

After exploring the historical sites, you can unwind at the beautiful Mahabalipuram Beach. It offers picturesque views, serene surroundings, and opportunities for water sports like surfing and swimming.

Mahabalipuram Beach


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